As part of the project RokiG2050 (Roadmap for a climate-neutral building stock 2050), the final energy demand and CO₂ emissions of the German building sector are quantified using an agent-based model. For this quantification, first, three scenarios for the transformation of the German building stock were developed, considering different technical, social, political and economic aspects. Then the qualitative assumptions of these scenarios were converted to quantitative input for the model. The scenario generator presents the modelling results and the development of the German building sector in terms of final energy demand and CO₂ emissions until year 2050.
In the next page, you can choose among the following options:
• Scenario A represents the (extreme) positive pathway towards “Sustainable transformation in the building sector”.
• Scenario B represents a hybrid pathway (between scenarios A and C) considering the “Challenges in transition and varied progress in the building stock”.
• Scenario C represents the (extreme) negative pathway affected by the “Skills shortage and uncertainties in the building stock development”.
• Residential
• Non-residential (Buildings belonging to sectors A-S according to NACE, rev. 2)
• Appliance and process (including appliances, lighting, ICT, mechanical energy, process cooling and process heating)
• Space cooling
• Ventilation
• Space heating
• Hot water
• Electricity
• Light fuel oil
• Hard coal
• Natural gas
• Biomass (solid)
• District heating
• Solar energy
• Ambient heat
• Biogas
• Heavy fuel oil
• Biofuels (liquid)
To read more about the development process of the scenarios see this publication
To read more about the data used for the modelling see this publication
To read more about the model see Model description
To access the tool, click on the following button: